How can you support IP17 GNS?

The Coronavirus and subsequent lock down has completely changed day to day life for all of us. For some this can be as simple as experiencing boredom when furloughed or stuck in the house. For others it has been disastrous for their independence, finances, health & well-being.

The IP17 Good Neighbour Scheme started in response to the difficulties we anticipated people in our community would face over the course of the lock down & beyond. We are committed to continuing this support for as long as it’s possible. We still need lots of help to safeguard our most vulnerable neighbours through this difficult time.

So if you’re able to support IP17 GNS in any way, or curious about the work we’re doing, these are the different ways you could get involved:

Food donations:

Food poverty is a a very real and widespread concern. The Trussell Trust (The UK’s biggest food bank network) reported a doubling of demand in the first few weeks of lock down. Now, weeks after the virus began to affect people’s earnings; several households are struggling to put food on the table. Our volunteer army are placing emergency food bags in distribution points across Saxmundham & the surrounding villages.

One of the most helpful things you can do is to donate items for our emergency food parcels. To do this you can drop off your donated items to our hub Sax’cess House (open between 9:30am -2:30pm). We are most in need of pasta, noodles & rice, breakfast cereal, UHT milk, tinned goods like pies, fish, fruit & veg.

If you want to help members of your local community but can’t commit your time regularly this would be a great way to help. All donations are truly appreciated & very much needed.

Become a volunteer

With lots of our initial volunteers now heading back to work we’re in need of community spirited people more than ever. If you have time spare and can commit to volunteering on a regular basis we need you! There are lots of roles within IP17 GNS and you can give us as little or as much of your time as you’d prefer.

How can you help?

We’re most desperate for delivery drivers & phone buddies at the moment but if you think you have a skill that could help us please get in touch.

  • Phone Buddy: Your job will be to call a small list of IP17 residents & check in on their well-being, health & requirements. You will be given training & a script to follow for most phone calls. Some people just need a chat with a friendly person to ease the effects of isolation. You can do this from home & only need commit a couple of hours a week.
  • Drivers: We need drivers to deliver prescriptions & essentials to people who are vulnerable or shielding. Obviously you will need a driving licence & access to your own vehicle but we will contribute fuel money if required.

If you think you might be able to help us head to the website & fill in the volunteer form & we’ll call you back to discuss. Even if you’re unsure it’s worth a conversation to find out more.

Alternatively to offer your time as a volunteer, please text 07849 139 510 (text only – please don’t call)


You can help our vital work form the comfort of your own armchair! Our Go Fund Me page is set up to collect donations big & small from anyone who can spare a few ££s to support our work. Every donation is used within the local community for people in genuine need & every penny is truly appreciated.

Spread the word

You may not have the time or funds to support in the ways above, and that is perfectly fine. If you’re looking to support us, just sharing our posts & appeals on social media can make a big difference. The more people who know about us the better! We’re looking to reach people who can join in with us and people who may need our services, so get sharing!

We’re also concerned about reaching less tech-savvy people. Therefore if you’re worried about a friend, neighbour or relative who doesn’t have internet-access please tell them about us. We can offer you copies of our leaflet if you’d like to pass them on. You can even give our helpline a call if you’re concerned about someone & want us to extend an offer of support to them.