IP17 GNS Festive Project: Christmas Dinners for those in need.

It’s clear that Christmas will be a bit different for us all this year. For most that means compromising on our social life, maybe buying fewer presents, or having a smaller family gathering for Christmas dinner. But imagine knowing you’re unlikely to see anyone at all one Christmas day; that Christmas is too much effort and expense to justify. For some people in our community this will be their relatity this December 25th. Well, IP17 GNS are determined to change that, and bring some Christmas cheer to vulnerable members of the community, and we need your help!

This week we’re launching our efforts to make sure that the eldery, vulnerable or those living on their own in our community can have a proper Christmas dinner. We have an army of volunteers at the ready to peel, scrub, chop, cook, box and deliver a hearty Christmas dinner to those in need this Christmas. Sadly our ‘delivery elf’ may be the only person some will see on Christmas day so it’s important we make our door-step drop-off a good one!

This is where you can step in to help: We’re looking for donations of ingredients to turn into a cracking Christmas dinner, as well as extra treats we can give to our elves for their delivery rounds. If you would like to help please see our list of items we need & pledge your support!

TurkeyChristmas crackers
StuffingChristmas cake (mini ones would be amazing!)
ChipolatasMince pies
BaconChristmas puddings (mini ones would be amazing!)
SproutsIcing/icing sugar

If you are able to donate any of the above items please get in touch via 0333 3355 266 and one of our volunteers will arrange a time for collection or delivery of your donation. We’ll need all food-donations by December 4th ready to start planning & prepping!

Alternatively you can support our ‘Donate a Dinner’ GoFundMe page to help us purchase ingredients.

If you would like to register yourself or someone you know to receive a Christmas dinner, delivered on Christmas morning please use the ‘Help request form’ on the website or call 0333 3355 266.

We are happily taking personal requests or, if you have a friend or family member living in the IP17 area who you would like to arrange a Christmas dinner delivery for; please get in touch.