Easter Art Trail: The Answers

First of all, we need to say the most enormous THANK YOU to everyone who got involved in the Art Trail.  Whether you painted an egg, hosted an egg, helped us put the trail together, donated prizes or joined in with the hunt: THANK YOU! 

Personally we have really enjoyed this project and the fact that so many others have enjoyed it too, or felt inspired by it is wonderful news for us!

We have given away over 70 Easter eggs to intrepid ‘eggsplorers’ and just as many bags of sweets too.  We still have prizes left so if you have taken part in the trail but have yet to pop in for your egg please feel free to still do this in the next week or so. Your answer sheets and artwork have given us so much joy – it’s been the highlight of our day getting to look through all the brilliant drawings of our eggs.

And the moment of truth: See below for the answers to the quiz, and to see which of our artists painted which egg.